My skinny guy gets skinnier.
I don't want him to die faster. I need to figure out a way to feed him better calories.
It's a little difficult at times. He's like a five year old: he doesn't like peanut butter. He goes on these jags where he'll only eat a bagel for breakfast and then suddenly, hates bagels.

Plus, you know, the hand thing. He has a hard time using a spoon so lots of this stuff has to be finger food. He's on a pronto pup kick now. I will admit, it's easy.
I'm off to make a slow cooker roast but I worry about his access to it. He pantomimed the action of getting to it last night, in theory it seemed to work so we seemed to be covered.
There's always a Plan B, though. If he can't eat that, what can he eat? There's a couple of pronto pups left...
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