Sunday, May 10, 2015

Life on one level.

Cool t-shirt my cool niece, Molly, is wearing!

One of the best things about living in Florida for the past three months (besides sushine, being warm, no snow, Key West, Disney World, awesome sea food, did I mention no snow?) was living on one level with an attached garage.

Right now, we're in a three level townhome.  As I type this, I'm on the middle level.  He's in the basement (lowest level).   

So he's sort of stuck in his chair until I go get him.  I check on him every half hour or so but yesterday I kind of forgot about him.  Not really but I felt like it..... I ran an errand, got stuck doing some stuff and didn't return for two hours.

Poor guy was just immobile in this lazy boy for two hours.  While I think hanging out doing nothing in a lazy boy for a couple hours sounds great, this is Luther's life at the moment.  It gets unbelievably boring.

If you think about it, he doesn't MOVE while he sits there.  He can still fling himself a little bit, so if he's set up just right, he can get a drink of water.  Unless the straw floats weirdly to the other side of the glass, then he's cooked.  

Our garage is like nine miles from my townhouse.  It's pitiful.  I always wonder what I was thinking when I bought the place.  Like I'd never have to carry groceries in the rain or snow down this million stair sidewalk.  Luther leaves his wheelchair in the garage and walks down these treacherous steps and pretty much stays plunked downstairs until it's absolutely necessary to leave the house again.  

In Florida, he just rolled out the back door to the pool.  I didn't have to run up and down flights of stairs to check on him.  In Florida, he could roll right out the front door to take a walk (roll).  It was just a few feet to get to the car.

Here, he has to muster up the strength to walk up the stairs to the garage to get out and about. Once he's walked up (then down) the stairs, he's pretty much done for the day.   Plus the whole legs won't work one day thing.  I think we're getting closer to that day.  

So now, we are finally finally moving in to mom and dad's house!  We can't wait.

First, I have to take a moment to say thanks thanks thanks to my parents for giving up their basement to let us live on one level.  I'm not sure how many folks would say sure, we'll be happy to give up part of our house, live in dust with frustrating contractors and let their 50 year old kid + hubby move back home.

I will say, it's not like we're living in THE BASEMENT.  It's been renovated and looks great.  Sort of a "mother-in-law" style pad.  

I've moved a bunch of furniture. More goes today.  It's such a big limbo.  Part of it is getting Luther's bed moved and then me moved at the same time.

Luther can't get out of bed and all that jazz by himself.  So he's stuck here (in my basement!!) while I pack pack pack until the bed is moved (hopefully this week).  

It's going to be so great being one one level.  I'm off to check on Luther and pack more.  

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